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Keywords: BIO 2017

Bioentrepreneurs Have Met With Investors In San Diego Turkey has been represented at the BIO Convention 2017 by a program organized by TEPAV between 17-22 June in San Diego.
Haber Resim
30/06/2017 Attended by approximately 65 countries’ private and public sector representatives each year in the USA, the largest biotechnology organization in the world, the BIO Convention 2017 took place in San Diego. A Turkish delegation composed of pu [More]
Bio-entrepreneurs will go to San Diego to join BIO 2017 14 successful bio-entrepreneurs made their presentations to the jury at the BIO Startup Program Demo Day, held on May 25th at TEPAV.
Haber Resim
25/05/2017   The BIO Startup Accelerator Program, organized by TEPAV and TOBB BIO in Turkey for the first time in 2016 with the support of MSD and seeking to gather biotechnology entrepreneurs and start-ups under one roof. This year the Program was orga [More]